Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tell me about SEO services and Website Marketing and their benefits

The earliest roots of SEO services can be traced back to the 1960’s where Gerald Salton’s team at Harvard and Cornell Universities crafted an informational retrieval system called SMART. ‘ARCHIE’ (shortened from ‘Archive’) followed this in the 1990’s with a much more tailored approach to search. Archie deployed a query methodology incorporating, an expression matcher, a script ‘gatherer’ and a database for storing the searched user queries.

Some of the search engines that have tried since Archie, e.g. Lycos, Looksmart, Inktomi, Aliweb etc… have either been merged into bigger organisations or have simply disappeared. Google however has become the de facto standard and is still the primary search engine of choice for 80% of the searches made on the Internet – however it is fair to say that Bing from Microsoft is catching up and making inroads into this dominance.

Google has matured and has refined its search methodology by creating and adapting a unique algorithm for determining the true relevance of a search by a user, which falls within its mantra of making a rapid, automated search as close as possible to a ‘natural’ search. As a consequence, companies realised that being on the first page of the biggest search engines meant more people accessing their website which in turn means more sales of the products and services that were being offered.

Good SEO means website presence and good Website Marketing means more sales.

Just having a good looking website is not enough. Time, relevance and convenience are key factors for a user when performing a search, relevance is one of the prime factors for the search engine. The search engines now are becoming the decision makers, website style is an important factor but it’s use,how it communicates,how easy it is to purchase services and products, are central to sales in organisations.

So when the user gets to your website what do you do?

The main purpose in retail for example is to sell the user a service or product , have a think about what you do when you buy something in a shop for example.
The outlet generally:

a) Put the wares (product / services) on show

b) Make it easy for you to get info on them (ask an assistant / maybe compare options)

c) Makes it clear and easy to buy them (POS / credit cards /cash etc…).

Similarly these same rules apply with a website. Examples of this are specials deals and impulsive buys at the checkout.

You don’t have to make the Website as much fun as a theme park, the goal is to simply provide users with an environment that they purchase you wares in – Make it Easy!.

SEO services is the key to it, without SEO and page one of Google, you simply don’t exist.

Having SEO services Now engaged as your partner helps your Google page one experience

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